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How to deal with big changes in your life

Life can be going swimmingly and then BAM, something changes! What do you do when there is a big change in your life? Big changes bring big emotions and if you don't have the right coping skills, you might not be effective in maneuvering this big change. Change will happen in life and it's up to us to make the best of change. Whenever a big change has happened, it's best to acknowledge that the change happened or that things are changing. If we simply ignore the change, we do not accept it and this can make things worse. Think about what this change means to us. What action is needed on our part in order for this change to flow smoothly throughout our lives? All change causes stress! Positive change causes stress and so does negative change. Once we realize that even good change causes stress, we will be better able to handle the change. Change causes stress because it is part of our unknown. If we have been doing things a certain way or living our lives a certain way for some time and then that changes, it's natural to have a few moments that do not make sense. We have to re-gather our thoughts and maybe continue on a different path. I like to think of life as a road to success. Along our road to success, we run into obstacles and variations to that road. Sometimes we need to take a bypass road to get to where we are going. It reminds me of construction or a detour on the roads, as it can be frustrating and time consuming but it will eventually get us to where we are going. We have to just be patient, accept there has been a change and then re-group to figure out what our next step is. When a big change happens, it's also important to keep the rest of our schedule similar to what it was prior to the change. This helps to keep things somewhat routine. This big change will shake up certain parts of our lives and it's nice to have some things remain the same. This can be calming and reassuring. It also gives us a chance to rely on one normalcy in our lives.

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